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How to adjust the export strategy of China's stainless steel pipe manufacturers?

Nowadays, China has become the country with the most trade frictions in the world, and the export of stainless steel pipes has not been spared. And due to the increasing number of stainless steel pipe exports in China, in the future, China's stainless steel pipe manufacturers will encounter more and more stainless steel trade friction during the export process. Foreign scholars pointed out that China's export subsidy policy is an important factor in incurring a large number of anti-dumping lawsuits; of course, Chinese companies are unable to defend their allegations of anti-dumping trade barriers due to lack of experience, and will also encourage foreign countries to file more anti-dumping investigations against China. Chinese companies should be fully aware that they will face more trade barriers such as anti-dumping in the future. China should adjust its foreign trade policy and reduce distortions in its domestic production pattern. Therefore, how to correctly understand the international trade risks faced by Chinese enterprises and take effective measures to evade and prevent themselves has become more and more important.

First, we must be familiar with the stainless steel trade policies and laws and regulations of various countries, carry out reasonable evasion, and reduce the occurrence of trade frictions. For example, some countries have high environmental protection requirements or special technical requirements for imported stainless steel pipes, and China's stainless steel pipe manufacturers do not understand this. They still produce and export according to the previous production standards, once the products are exported. Such countries will inevitably lead to trade frictions due to unqualified products. Therefore, China's stainless steel pipe manufacturers must be familiar with the relevant laws of stainless steel trade in various countries to ensure the smooth flow of product export channels. At the same time, by learning from foreign mature experience, we will further improve our country's laws and regulations on anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard measures to conform to international practices. For example, since the 1950s, in order to avoid friction with the steel trade between Europe and the United States, between 1966 and 1995, there were eight restrictions on voluntary steel exports. During this period, the United States imposed anti-dumping duties on Japanese steel only four times. , greatly reducing the trade friction between the United States and Japan. China can also learn from Japan's successful experience and impose export quota restrictions on stainless steel exports. Although export enterprises may suffer losses due to the decline in export volume in the short term, in the long run, trade restrictions are avoided by importing countries due to automatic export restrictions. The probability of occurrence of trade friction will be greatly reduced, which is conducive to the sustainable development of stainless steel exports.


Second, improve and improve the response mechanism of trade friction. Due to the short time of accession to the WTO, China’s grasp of multilateral anti-dumping rules and dispute settlement rules is still not in place, and it is very unskilled in using the WTO dispute settlement mechanism to deal with anti-dumping issues. Therefore, we should strengthen the in-depth study of the WTO anti-dumping rules and dispute settlement mechanisms and enhance the ability to apply the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Strengthen trade friction early warning work and establish an early warning mechanism for export products to adapt to the ever-changing international market and protect the interests of domestic stainless steel industry and export enterprises. In this process, the government can collect information on trade barriers of various countries, and pass the information to export enterprises, guide enterprises to deal with trade frictions and technical barriers. Actively promote the establishment of industry intermediary organizations, and give full play to the trade associations in solving trade frictions. effect.


Third, diversified operations. The diversification here includes three aspects: diversification of export products, diversification of export territory and diversification of business operations. By enhancing the independent innovation capability of enterprises, adjusting the product structure, improving the quality of export products, and diversifying and differentiated export products. For example, according to the EU anti-dumping law, if the main function of the product is changed by changing the performance and end use of the product, or providing more than one main function different from the product that was originally dumped, the product is not against the allegation. Within the scope of the scope. The excessive concentration of export sites and the sharp increase in the number of exports will lead to frequent trade frictions. We should strengthen the development of other stainless steel pipe demand markets and reduce trade friction through the diversification of export sites. The enterprise itself can establish a global marketing network by establishing a corporate company or office overseas to achieve localized operation, thereby effectively bypassing the trade barriers of export destination countries and increasing the international market share. All in all, only through diversified management measures can China's stainless steel pipe manufacturers improve their ability to deal with frequent trade frictions in foreign trade.


Fourth, regulate the export behavior of stainless steel pipe manufacturers. Stainless steel companies should strengthen self-discipline, regulate the behavior of exporting stainless steel products, and avoid competing for the market through price wars. Low-priced dumping is likely to cause trade remedy investigations in other countries, especially in markets with limited market capacity. For example, in the Southeast Asian market, as Japan and South Korea have already had a certain investment scale in this region, the large-scale export of stainless steel pipe products in China to the region has caused dissatisfaction with local enterprises, causing Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries to Anti-dumping investigation of the tube. Therefore, stainless steel pipe manufacturers must reduce the cost of export products by improving their own technical level, or gain more advantages by improving product quality and added value, and promote the expansion of export volume.




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